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Book cover of 1000 Japanese Proverbs. Published by Floating World Editions.

1000 Japanese Proverbs

By (author) William de Lange


  • More than 1000 entries
  • Extensive cross-referencing
  • English equivalents
  • Furigana for all kanji characters
  • Easy to use thumb index
Full Description

The most comprehensive compilation and English translation of those Japanese proverbs that so enrich the language but fail to find their way into conventional dictionaries. It presents more than 1000 entries, including many hundreds that have never been included in similar reference works. Explanations are given in succinct and lucid prose, and English equivalents are given whenever applicable. Each entry contains a literal translation to help bring out the nuances of the Japanese original, and where necessary, explanatory notes on grammar and historical background. Extensive cross-referencing allows the user to immediately find synonyms, antonyms, as well as related proverbs, while furigana allows even beginners to read and use the proverbs immediately. A thumb index makes entries exceptionally easy to access.

About the Author

William de Lange studied Japanese language and culture at the University of Leiden and at Waseda University in Japan. For the last ten years he has been active as a translator and interpreter in a variety of capacities in the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan.

Floating World Editions
19th Mar 2024
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
5 in x 8.5 in
276 Pages
50 b&w
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