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Book cover of Architecture China: Architecture as Infrastructure, with a geometric roof structure, and workers in hardhats pushing wheelbarrow. Published by Images Publishing.

Architecture China: Architecture as Infrastructure

By (author) Li Xiangning
By (author) Jiang Jiawei
By (author) Mo Wanli
By (author) Chandranie
By (author) Georgia (Gina) Tsarouhas
By (author) Huang Yuting
By (author) Wen Zengxin


  • Latest publication in the series Architecture China which focuses on cutting-edge architectural designs with regional characteristics in contemporary China
  • This issue, Winter 2020, Architecture as Infrastructure, selects a series of pioneering architectural cases in China
  • Elaborates on how a new kind of architectural infrastructure can be formulated
Full Description

Architecture China focuses on cutting-edge architectural designs with regional characteristics in contemporary China.

This issue, Winter 2020, Architecture as Infrastructure, selects a series of pioneering architectural cases in China elaborating on how a new kind of architectural infrastructure can be formulated. It includes two essays respectively written by Zhang Bin and Tan Zheng, and the built projects of the 11th Horticultural Exposition of Jiangsu Province. Another series of built projects “Toilet Revolution” is also included.

Both the academic writings and architectural practice in this issue reveal the hidden potential of urban infrastructure in the current construction in China.

About the Author

Dr. Li Xiangning is Deputy Dean and Full Professor in History, Theory and Criticism at Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning. He is a member of CICA (Comité International des Critiques d'Architecture), he has worked as curator for numerous exhibitions and has published widely on contemporary Chinese architecture and urbanism. He is Chief Editor of Architecture China and President of Architecture China Foundation. Furthermore, he has been working with international museums and institutes and he has been a jury member to many international awards and competitions.

Look Inside
Images Publishing
16th Jul 2021
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
9.06 in x 11.81 in
190 Pages
185 color, 202 b&w
Name of series
Architecture China
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