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Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.
Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.
Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.
Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.
Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.
Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.
Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.
Book cover of Car Racing 1971, featuring a team working on the bodywork of a racing car. Published by Editions Cercle d'Art.

Car Racing 1971

By (author) Alain Pernot
By (author) Manou Zurini


Publishing 26th Feb 2025
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  • Car Racing 1971 offers a unique experience of immersion in the atmosphere of 1970s motorsport through treasures unearthed from the archives of the DPPI photographic agency
Full Description

Car Racing 1971 is every bit a worthy successor in the tradition established by the six previous tomes of the Car Racing series (1965 to 1970). It is still through treasures unearthed from the archives of the DPPI photographic agency that this book offers, for the title year, a unique experience of immersion in the atmosphere of 1970s motorsport. Created in 1965 by a group of photographers fascinated by the fury of the track and the bravura of drivers, DPPI has always gone where the action is. This proximity resulted in incredible action photos, unimaginable today. ‘This is not an umpteenth book on the history of motorsport,’ insists DPPI director Fabrice Connen. ‘In every case, we favored the strongest, most unusual pictures or those that best recreated the atmosphere of the time, even if they were taken at minor events or depicted less famous competitors.’

Text in English and French

About the Author

Manou Zurini was among the first to lend motorsport photography an artistic dimension. Now an internationally renowned sculptor and retired from the racing circuit, he has forgotten nothing of this exciting period and punctuates the pages of Car Racing with his colorful commentary. Alain Pernot is an independent journalist and motorsport expert who knows how to share his exhaustive knowledge with all the passion that drives him to collect it. He is the author of several books about Formula 1 and Le Mans.

Cercle d'Art
Publish date
26th Feb 2025
USA & Canada
11.02 in x 12.91 in
336 Pages
200 color, 250 b&w
Name of series
Car Racing
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