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Book cover of Contemporary Furniture and Interior Design, with a yellow chair and tall standing lamp. Published by Artpower International.

Contemporary Furniture and Interior Design

By (author) Li Aihong
By (author) Shen Minping


  • An invaluable source of interior design inspiration using home fabric accessories
  • With numerous case studies of famous designers and international furniture companies, it gives a detailed interpretation of furniture from many aspects
Full Description

“Placing more emphasis on decoration than on remodeling” is an international popular concept for life and interior design. Following the new trends in the contemporary furniture industry, this book focuses on furniture fabrics while also taking into account the structure, materials and colors in furniture design. It displays numerous products and teaches readers how to use them to create a personalized space.

The book makes up for the fact that purely project-presenting books are easily outdated. It refuses to blindly chase the replacement of furniture but focuses on the application of fabrics, materials and colors in furniture design. With numerous case studies of famous designers and international furniture companies, it gives a detailed interpretation of furniture from many aspects.

Divided into three parts, this useful guidebook will walk you through the world of fabric decoration covering the following areas:

Products – Each piece of furniture is beautifully presented with high-quality images and accompanied by information about its size, materials, colors.

Projects – Select projects provide readers with inspiration by presenting the layout and collocation skills of contemporary furniture.

Interviews – In depth interviews offers a way to approach product designers and interior designers and acquire professional design concepts and matching skills.

Artpower International
26th May 2021
USA & Canada
9.25 in x 11.61 in
296 Pages
650 colour, 150 b&w
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