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Book cover of Die Reise zum verborgenen Feuer Eine Drachen- und Keramikgeschichtem, with two white dragons swirling around in purple sea. Published by Arnoldsche Art Publishers.

Die Reise zum verborgenen Feuer

Eine Drachen- und Keramikgeschichte

Edited by Gun-Dagmar Helke


  • With lovely illustrations by Bodo Rott
  • A story that fills children with excitement about the world of ceramics
Full Description
A spectacular discovery brings excitement and wonder to the comfortable existence of the two dragon children Drako and Naja. As new friends enter their lives, everything around them appears to suddenly change. They embark on an adventure into the world of ceramics, one far beyond paper and plastic tableware. Fly away with them into faraway lands and eras, and discover mysteries while conjuring up the magic of fire and uncovering the allure of colors. The story is as full of excitement as the illustrations are bright, fanciful, and inspiring. Both come together in a symbiosis that communicates the history of art and culture to children of eight years and older in a lively and captivating way! Text in German.
Arnoldsche Art Publishers
23rd Jun 2022
USA & Canada
8.66 in x 10.63 in
80 Pages
46 color
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