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Book cover of Sayings of a Zen Buddhist Monk, Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Calligraphy, with Chinese calligraphy on beige scroll. Published by Artpower International.

Huang Tingjian: Sayings of a Zen Buddhist Monk

Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Calligraphy

Edited by Cheryl Wong
Edited by Xu Kexin


  • A series of masterpieces of calligraphy from famous masters of two Chinese dynasties, presented in the traditional format of a handscroll
  • Includes important postscripts and observations of the works from later generations
Full Description

The series contains a selection of masterpieces by famous Chinese calligraphers through the ages, which can be unfolded and viewed in the form of traditional hand scrolls. The series features a selection of masterpieces from the Northern Song and Tang dynasties. The hand scrolls are accompanied by expert interpretations, analyzing the layout and features of the calligraphy, and guiding the reader through the beauty of calligraphy in an insightful text.

Artpower International
15th Sep 2022
USA & Canada
7.09 in x 11.22 in
1 Pages
Name of series
Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Calligraphy
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