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Book cover of Ma Yuan: Water Studies, Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Paintings, with a painting of Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Published by Artpower International.

Ma Yuan: Water Studies

Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Paintings

Edited by Cheryl Wong
Edited by Xu Kexin


  • A series of masterpieces of painting from famous masters of two Chinese dynasties, presented in the traditional format of a handscroll
  • Includes important postscripts and observations of the works from later generations
Full Description

The series contains a collection of masterpieces by famous Chinese painters of all ages, with a rich variety of subjects and styles. It presents a selection of paintings from the Tang and Song dynasties, including figure and landscape paintings, showing the splendid charm of traditional Chinese painting at its peak from multiple perspectives. The volumes are accompanied by expert interpretations, analyzing the characteristics of the paintings and the key points of appreciation, and guiding the reader through the beauty of the paintings in an insightful text.

Artpower International
15th Sep 2022
USA & Canada
7.09 in x 11.22 in
1 Pages
Name of series
Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Paintings
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