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Book cover of Pier Pasolini Everything is Sacred, The Body Poetic. Published by 5 Continents Editions.

Pier Pasolini Everything is Sacred

The Body Poetic

Edited by Giuseppe Garrera
Edited by Cesare Pietroiusti
Edited by Clara Tosi Pamphili


  • Published in conjunction with shows at three locations in Rome that mark the 100th anniversary of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s birth (Bologna, 5 March 1922 – Rome, 2 November 1975)
  • This is the catalog for the show at the Palazzo delle Exposizioni from 17 October 2022 - 20 January 2023
  • Includes original works and archival documents which offer a broader perspective on Pasolini's life and influence
Full Description

This volume is one of three companion catalogues to an exhibition taking place simultaneously at three venues in Rome on the large-scale projects of Pier Paolo Pasolini. They explore a theme dear to Pasolini — sacredness — with a multidisciplinary approach that will shed a light on his main characteristics as a poet, writer, director, and artist and on the cultural influence he wielded. This is the catalogue for the show at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, which is devoted to face, voice, costume, Pasolini’s relationship with women, and mockery.

Text in English and Italian.

About the Author

Giuseppe Garrera is an art historian, curator, and collector. In 2019 he cooperated with Sebastiano Triulzi on the volume Razza sacra. Pasolini e le donne (appunti per una ricerca).

Cesare Pietroiusti is a visual artist and the founder and coordinator of several research centres, projects, and art conferences. He studied to be a psychiatrist.  

Clara Tosi Pamphili is an architect and a student of applied arts; she is also an art director in the fashion industry.

Look Inside
Five Continents Editions
19th Jan 2023
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
6.69 in x 9.45 in
224 Pages
80 color
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