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Book cover of Ryan W. Kennihan – Dublin: De aedibus international 25. Published by Quart Publishers.

Ryan W. Kennihan – Dublin

De aedibus international 25

Edited by Heinz Wirz
Contributions by Lisa Godson
Contributions by Michael Benedikt


  • Each building is a little gem, where every detail reflects the architecture
  • The Vita Family Center in Roscommon assumes the volume and appearance of the surrounding traditional buildings, while varying the details in an astute and subtle way
  • Fully illustrated with 97 colour images and 42 plans
Full Description

Originally from Chicago, Ryan W. Kennihan has been working in Dublin since 2007 and has taught at various universities. His architecture is reserved, peaceful and elegant. Each building is a little gem, where every detail reflects the architecture. For instance the Vita Family Center in Roscommon assumes the volume and appearance of the surrounding traditional buildings, while varying the details in an astute and subtle way.

Text in English and German.

Quart Publishers
17th Aug 2022
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
8.86 in x 11.42 in
112 Pages
97 color, 42 b&w
Name of series
De aedibus international
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