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Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.
Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.
Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.
Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.
Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.
Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.
Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.
Book cover of Sir Richard Wallace, featuring the philanthropist dressed in braided jacket, and holding a small statue on plinth. Published by Pallas Athene.

Sir Richard Wallace

'The Most Fortunate Man of his Day': Connoisseur, Collector & Philanthropist

By (author) Suzanne Higgott


  • A richly illustrated book about the celebrated connoisseur, collector and philanthropist Sir Richard Wallace
  • Includes 490 illustrations and new information on Wallace’s origins and life
Full Description

A richly illustrated book about the celebrated connoisseur, collector and philanthropist Sir Richard Wallace (1818-1890), published by the Wallace Collection to mark the bicentenary of his birth.

Includes 490 illustrations and new information on Wallace’s origins and life.

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Pallas Athene
27th Jul 2023
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
7.76 in x 9.25 in
428 Pages
401 color, 68 b&w
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