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Book cover of Terra Maxima: The Atlas of Superlatives, with Eiffel tower, Concorde and baobab tree. Published by Monaco Books.

Terra Maxima

The Atlas of Superlatives

Edited by Monaco Books


  • Nature's many different habitats are home to record-breaking achievements by countless animal and plant species
  • They're presented alongside feats of human endeavour to better understand their significance
  • Divided into the four elements of fire, water, earth, and air
  • Infographics perfectly illustrate the relationships
  • Includes selected travel tips
Full Description

If the termite were a human, its structures would be twice as high as Mount Etna in Sicily… Our world is full of wonders and they are all waiting to be discovered! Nature’s many different habitats are home to countless animal and plant species records – superlatives which at times we only become aware of when we compare them with human achievements. In the air, we follow the flight of the largest, fastest and most resilient birds, while in the seas, we encounter huge whales and fish – and it can all be recorded in numbers and statistics, yet the true achievements of the sea giants and why they don’t sink are easier to understand if we take a close look at the technical data for ships and submarines…

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Monaco Books
7th Nov 2022
USA & Canada
9.06 in x 11.61 in
280 Pages
400 color
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