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Book cover of The Classical Antiquities, Fondation Gandur pour l'Art, featuring a statuette of Aphrodite attaching her necklace. Published by 5 Continents Editions.

The Classical Antiquities

Fondation Gandur pour l'Art

Edited by Isabelle Tassignon
Foreword by Henri Lavagne


  • A beautifully illustrated 2-volume set introducing Fondation Gandur’s collection of classical antiques gathered over more than 40 years by founder Jean Claude Gandur
Full Description

This stunning 2-volume set introduces the Geneva-based Fondation Gandur’s collection of classical antiquities gathered over the past 40 years by founder Jean Claude Gandur. These two volumes are complementary: The first volume investigates the subject of ancient religion by observing images of idols, goddesses, gods, and devotees, and through them related rituals and religious practices; while the second focuses on especially exquisite objects, luxurious trifles known since ancient times as deliciæ. These two volumes interact with each other, forming a whole that offers a sparkling view of Greek-Roman antiquity, from Italy to the Roman Orient of the Later Empire, through archaic Cyprus, classical Greece, and Hellenistic Egypt.

About the Author

Isabelle Tassignon holds a PhD in archaeology and history of religions. She has been a member of the École française d'Athènes and a professor at the University of Namur. She is now the curator of the classical archaeology and ethnology collections at the Fondation Gandur pour l'Art. Henri Lavagne has a PhD in literature and was a member of the École française de Rome. He has taught at the École pratique des Hautes Études (Paris-Sorbonne); in 2006 he joined the Institut (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres).

Five Continents Editions
19th Jan 2023
USA & Canada
9.72 in x 10.63 in
506 Pages
280 color
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