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Book cover of Classicist No. 17: Florida, with Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. Published by Inst Classical Arch, Class America.

Classicist No. 17


Edited by Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk


  • Focusing on Florida, this journal is dedicated to presenting the best in scholarship related to the classical architectural tradition in this region
Full Description

The Classicist is an annual journal dedicated to the classical tradition in architecture and the allied arts. Focused on Florida, the Classicist No. 17 explores the city’s rich architectural history as well as contemporary examples of classical design through professional and student portfolios as well as academic articles authored by leaders within the field. Contributors include Guest Editor Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk; Leslee F. Keys, Director of Historic Preservation and Assistant Professor of History at Flagler College; Bruce Stephenson, professor at Rollins College; Wayne Wood, O.D., Hon. AIA, Historian-at-Large for the Jacksonville Historical Society; Beth Dunlop, writer and editor specializing in architecture; Michael Mesko and William Rutledge; and Andres Duany, founding principal of DPZ CoDesign.

About the Author
The Guest Editor of the Classicist No. 17 is architect and urban planner Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, founding principal of DPZ CoDesign and Malcolm Matheson Distinguished Professor of Architecture at the University of Miami.
Inst Classical Arch,Class America
3rd Dec 2020
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
9.5 in x 11.25 in
150 Pages
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