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Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.
Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.
Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.
Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.
Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.
Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.
Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.
Book cover of Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz, with a building on the side of a hill. Published by Quart Publishers.

Der architektonische Einfluss von Frank Lloyd Wright in der Zentralschweiz

By (author) Kora Bürgi


Publishing 25th Feb 2025
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  • Fully illustrated with approximately 200 images and 10 plans
  • A presentation of Frank Lloyd Wright's influence on the Central Swiss architectural landscape – a theme that has not been studied before
Full Description

Building on her experience following a several-week trip to Taliesin West, Kora Bürgi investigates Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture and traces his work in the USA and Switzerland. The result of the field research is a presentation of his influence on the Central Swiss architectural landscape – a theme that has not been studied before. That influence ranges from partial copies of elements of Wright’s architecture to own interpretations of his architectural ideas.
This publication analyzes 14 buildings in Central Switzerland – from the Heimbach school and the Villa Schnyder (both in Lucerne) to the residential buildings in Brodhubl (Canton of Obwalden) – including Wright’s influence on various architects, such as Josef Gasser, Lisbeth Sachs and Otto von Deschwanden. The author also sheds light on the distribution of Wright’s urban-planning principles and the future of his architecture in Switzerland.

Text in German.

Quart Publishers
Publish date
25th Feb 2025
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
8.86 in x 11.42 in
140 Pages
200 color, 10 b&w
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