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Book cover of The Art & Times of Daniel Jocz, featuring a grey shapes adorned with small gold beads. Published by Arnoldsche Art Publishers.

The Art & Times of Daniel Jocz

Edited by Sarah Davis
Contributions by Sarah Davis
Contributions by Jeannine Falino
Contributions by Patricia Harris
Foreword by Susan Grant Lewin
Contributions by David Lyon
Contributions by Wendy Steiner


  • The first comprehensive overview on the art of Daniel Jocz
  • With his art works ranging from small jewelry pieces to over-collared necklaces to painting, he pushes the boundaries of jewelry art
  • A unique position in American jewelry art
  • Published to accompany an exhibition at Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA, from 17 September 2022 – 14 May 2023
Full Description

The Art & Times of Daniel Jocz presents the entrancing and challenging work of American jewelry artist and sculptor Daniel Jocz. There is a spontaneous quality to the work, yet it is always rich with meaning. His open spirit is fully embodied in the 2007 neckpiece series An American’s Riff on the Millstone Ruff. Inspired by the extravagant scale of 17th-century Dutch ruffs at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, he decided to update them with automobile paint.

Jeannine Falino takes an in-depth look at the twists and turns of Jocz’s long career, from his early geometric sculptures to the fashion-forward flocked Candy Wear collection, and from his ruminations on Marlene Dietrich in the form of necklaces featuring enamel smoked cigarettes to the wall reliefs he explores today. Wendy Steiner considers Jocz’s place in the avant-garde through the lens of fashion and culture, while Patricia Harris and David Lyon explore his involvement in the rollicking Boston jewelry scene of the late 20th century.

Arnoldsche Art Publishers
21st Mar 2023
USA & Canada
9.06 in x 10.43 in
208 Pages
221 color
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