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Book cover of '150 Bookstores You Need to Visit Before you Die'. Published by Lannoo Publishers.

150 Bookstores You Need to Visit Before you Die

By (author) Elizabeth Stamp


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  • The most interesting bookstores in the world, collected in one beautifully bound volume
  • After 150 Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, Houses, Gardens, Golf Courses and Vineyards this is the eighth book in the internationally successful 150 series
  • Selected and written by American author Elizabeth Stamp, journalist at Architectural Digest & CNN
Full Description

For the enthusiastic reader and book lover, browsing through a bookshop is an irreplaceable experience. American author Elizabeth Stamp selected the 150 most unique bookstores in the world that are worth making a detour to visit. From Australia to France, and Japan to the United States, the bookstores here range from establishments that have been around for decades, to newly opened shops. Each shop has been selected for an outstanding feature, either an interesting backstory, a unique collection, or a fabulous setting. This handsomely bound book, the latest in the 150 series, has inspiring photographs and a wealth of information on each location.

About the Author

Elizabeth Stamp is a freelance journalist and author. She writes for internationally renowned magazines, including CNN Style, Vulture and Architectural Digest.

Look Inside
Lannoo Publishers
20th Apr 2023
World excluding Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland & Scandinavia
230 mm x 169 mm
256 Pages
200 colour
Name of series
150 Series
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