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Book cover of Arts and Crafts is Cactus. Published by Arnoldsche Art Publishers.

Arts and Crafts is Cactus

Edited by Sabine Runde
Edited by Matthias Wagner K


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  • Seventy years of outstanding craft and design from the collection of the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • A monumental survey, with nearly 600 pages and more than 2000 illustrations
Full Description

The term ‘craftsmanship’ is associated with individuality, uniqueness, decorative potential, artistic quality, attention to material and to process. But what does craftsmanship mean today? This exhibition catalogue of nearly 600 pages explores the meaning of craftsmanship in the context of the outstanding collection of the Museum Angewandte Kunst (Frankfurt, Germany) in a monumental survey of 700 items dating from 1945 to the present. Scale reproductions of plates, furniture, cutlery, jewellery and vases highlight their surprising variety of form. In their essays, the ten authors take diverse approaches to the broad terrain of craftsmanship: from the relationship between East Asia and Western ceramics, via the handicrafts of the Romantic period, to the adventure that is arts and crafts today. The title plays on the perceived parallel between the ability of the cactus to survive and thrive in adverse conditions, and the future of the hand-made object in an industrial world.

About the Author

Sabine Runde is the former Senior Curator of Applied Art from the Middle Ages to the Present at the Museum Angewandte Kunst. Matthias Wagner K is the Director of the Museum Angewandte Kunst.

Arnoldsche Art Publishers
22nd Apr 2022
UK, US, Eastern Europe, France, Benelux, Japan, South Korea, Africa, South America & Ireland exclusive. South Africa, N&M East, China non-exclusive
310 mm x 230 mm
588 Pages
2600 color
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