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Book cover of Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual 2022/23. Published by Avedition.

Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual 2022/23

By (author) Janina Poesch


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  • The standard work in the trade fair design community
  • About 55 outstanding projects – analogue, hybrid, virtual
  • Interactive book with the ayscan image recognition app
Full Description

It is definite: The trade fair is not dead, the trade fair is changing! And, going forward, this will not be the last time it has to adjust with agility to new circumstances. Designers will need to analyse the qualities of space again more closely – be it the physical space or the digital space: Space should be staged and designed so as to support communication, facilitate encounter and experience, create an immersive effect and, of course, provide content that adds value. But this also means that communication strategies need to be fixed beforehand, particularly if the focus is on positions and visions rather than products as in the past. It will be about connecting people with brands on many different levels in order to shape the future together.

Text in English and German.

About the Author

Janina Poesch is architect, journalist and a founder of PLOT – the network in the field of spatial staging. Since 2008 she has been publishing print and online magazines and reference books about scenography.

Avedition Gmbh
4th Apr 2023
World excluding Benelux, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei, Maldives and the Far East (except Japan)
310 mm x 230 mm
272 Pages
400 color
Name of series
Trade Fair Design Annual
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