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Book cover of Bugs: Mad for Science, with butterflies, beetles and spiders. Published by White Star.


Mad for Science

Edited by Tecnoscienza
Illustrated by Agnese Baruzzi


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  • A new activity book based on a best-selling concept. If you’re not excited, think again!
  • The perfect gift for children
  • Packed with stories and activities that make learning science fun
  • Includes 8 pages of stickers
Full Description

Insects have been around for over 400 million years! These incredible creatures are as varied as they are small – from those with 6 legs to those with 1,000. Learn about how they work and how they live. Then, switch to another edition of Mad for Science to learn about organic chemistry and the fundamental building blocks of all living beings. Each book contains 56 packed pages of games and activities, including instructions for executing your own, easy-to-do experiments with household items! Ages 6-7

About the Author

Tecnoscienza is a group of authors and educators that, for the last 15 years, have disseminated knowledge about science, technology, math, and the environment for museums and corporations alike. Their published titles have been translated worldwide. Agnese Baruzzi holds a graduate degree in graphic de- sign and has worked as an illustrator and author since 2001. Her books have been published in several countries around the world.

White Star
8th Apr 2024
Paperback / softback
World excluding USA & Canada; India non-exclusive; Italy non-exclusive
297 mm x 210 mm
56 Pages
Name of series
Mad for Science
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