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Book cover of Dragon and Phoenix: Centuries of exchange between Chinese and Islamic worlds, with two decorative vases. Published by Exhibitions International.

Dragon and Phoenix

Centuries of exchange between Chinese and Islamic worlds

Edited by Exhibitions International


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  • This beautifully illustrated catalogue showcases a collection of 240 masterpieces, that explore the remarkable and little‐known history of the cultural exchanges between China, and the Islamic world
Full Description

Two worlds rich in culture, arts and sciences: China, and the Islamic world. Reaching far beyond their horizons, this is the untold story of how China, ‘the dragon’, and the Islamic world, ‘the phoenix’, exchanged ideas between 8th ‐ 18th century. When the Dragon and the Phoenix met, who could have predicted the impact on global trade, art and history? As a museum with a universal viewpoint, Louvre Abu Dhabi explores stories of cultural connections. In this exhibition we see a new perspective on the meeting of two great cultures, and in this story, Europe is not the central character. From Arabia and Africa to the far reaches of Asia, along ancient trade routes ‐ on both land and sea ‐ people, technology and luxury goods travelled for more than 800 years. Through a display of 240 masterpieces, we explore the remarkable and little‐known history of these cultural exchanges.

Exhibitions International
13th Sep 2022
United Kingdom and Ireland
285 mm x 220 mm
256 Pages
180 color
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