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Focus is the New Gold

Focus is the New Gold

How to Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity in a Distracted World

By (author) Elke Geraerts


Publishing 25th Sep 2024
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    • It's now or never to take back control of our brain
    • A book tailored to a generation lacking attention: concise insights combined with immediately applicable tips and tools
    • Elke Geraerts knows like no other how to make scientific insights accessible to a broad audience
    • With illustrations by Floor Denil
    Full Description

    “You can be as smart as Einstein, but if you fail to direct your attention to what is important, then what good is that high IQ? People who are focused are more alert, experience less stress, and worry less. Unfortunately, focus has become a rare commodity: our attention span has dramatically decreased over the past decades.” – Elke Geraerts

    How many times have you been distracted today from what you actually wanted to do? We live in a world of constant connectivity, where distraction lurks around every corner. Our endless to-do lists and packed schedules are a merciless reflection of what’s going on in our minds: we are constantly in overdrive, and our focus is completely lost. No wonder stress and burnout rates are at an all-time high. Despite the fact that we now know more than ever what we need to remain resilient and healthy, our overstimulated brain seems unable to handle all that knowledge, let alone put it into practice. Ten years after her bestseller Better Minds, Elke Geraerts presents a book tailored to a generation without attention. She combines powerful insights with practical tools that can be implemented immediately. Her goal? Sharpening our focus again. Not only by making us work more efficiently and attentively but also – and especially – by teaching us to deliberately unfocus. Are you ready for a mental revolution?

    About the Author

    Elke Geraerts holds a PhD. in psychology. She has held academic positions at universities including Harvard, St. Andrews, and Rotterdam. Today, she serves as the CEO of Better Minds at Work, a company that assists businesses in enhancing the mental capital of their employees. She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker both nationally and internationally and a guest professor at Ghent University.

    Lannoo Publishers
    Publish date
    25th Sep 2024
    Paperback / softback
    World excluding Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland & Scandinavia
    210 mm x 140 mm
    192 Pages
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