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Book cover of Liberation of Arts: 20 Years of Lumas. Published by teNeues Books.
Book cover of Liberation of Arts: 20 Years of Lumas. Published by teNeues Books.
Book cover of Liberation of Arts: 20 Years of Lumas. Published by teNeues Books.
Book cover of Liberation of Arts: 20 Years of Lumas. Published by teNeues Books.

Liberation of Arts

20 Years of Lumas

By (author) teNeues Publishing Company


Publishing 14th Oct 2024
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    • Celebrated! The global market leader for art editions celebrates its 20th birthday in this volume — a reason to celebrate for all those who are passionate about affordable art
    • Curated! With Lumas' anniversary book, we are state of the art: Who are the most exciting newcomers? Which established artists should you have seen?
    • Inspired! An illustrated book that presents the entire spectrum of Lumas: from photography to painting, from analogue to digital, from popular to alternative — but always maximally inspiring
    Full Description

    The Lumas Gallery brings the claim “Liberation of Arts” to life. It succeeds in making high-quality art accessible to a large audience at fair prices. The illustrated book Liberation of Arts — 20 Years of Lumas delivers the liberation in book form and a fascinating overview of the current art scene. To mark the gallery’s 20th anniversary and after four successful volumes of Collecting Fine Art, this portfolio also impresses with its unique diversity: from architectural photography to landscapes, from abstract painting to street photography, from nudes to portraits. We also come across well-known names from the teNeues programme, such as Christophe Jacrot and Werner Pawlok. An art picture book that brings together established artists and exciting newcomers — for connoisseurs, collectors, and beginners!

    Text in English and German.

    teNeues Books
    Publish date
    14th Oct 2024
    World excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, USA & Canada
    314 mm x 245 mm
    192 Pages
    150 color
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