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Book cover of Marie Curie and Her Energetic Discovery, Mini Genius, with a woman with ginger hair tied up in a bun, wearing a long green dress, and holding glass flask. Published by White Star.

Marie Curie and Her Energetic Discovery

Mini Genius

By (author) Altea Villa
Illustrated by Fabrizio di Baldo


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  • Part of the Mini Genius series
  • Includes great characters that become the most powerful kind of inspiration, to push the little readers to dream a little bigger
  • Suitable for ages: 4 plus
Full Description

What inspired the work and works of geniuses like Leonardo, Einstein, Frida and Curie? These books aim to explain it to the little ones, presenting some of the greatest characters of the past in a funny and light-hearted way, to which children can easily relate. The great characters become the most powerful kind of inspiration, to push the little readers to dream a little bigger. Ages: 4 plus

About the Author

Altea Villa is Philosophy Doctor in social history. She is a writer for children's magazines and books since 2018. Fabrizio Di Baldo graduated in 2001 with a degree in fine art and semiotics, before earning a PhD in illustration at the Comics International School and a second PhD in graphic design at the European Design Institute. He's an art director and illustrator.

White Star
28th Dec 2023
World excluding USA & Canada; India non-exclusive; Italy non-exclusive
180 mm x 160 mm
20 Pages
Name of series
Mini Genius
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