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Book cover of 'Martin Bruno Schmid, Almost Nothing – Fast Nichts'. Published by Arnoldsche Art Publishers.

Martin Bruno Schmid

Almost Nothing – Fast Nichts

Edited by Gallery Schwarz Greifswald


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  • The most comprehensive monograph on this German artist to date
  • Explores this new frontier of art and architecture
Full Description

German artist Martin Bruno Schmid (b. 1970) works at the intersection of art and architecture; his tools are drills, saws, and sandpaper, his process includes hammering, shredding, and cutting. Material is extracted, and rarely applied. Schmid addresses the very subject of construction itself with his minimalistic and exceptionally radical interventions in public spaces. In doing so he pushes the frontiers of what is feasible and makes visible what we take for granted. His interventions are a celebration of all the technologies of civilisation that enable us to spend our lives protected and safe, but they are also a test of our certitude. This latest monograph on his work provides a comprehensive insight into Schmid’s widely varied oeuvre and opens a gateway to the Stuttgart artist’s creative world.

Text in English and German.

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Arnoldsche Art Publishers
22nd Apr 2022
UK, US, Eastern Europe, France, Benelux, Japan, South Korea, Africa, South America & Ireland exclusive. South Africa, N&M East, China non-exclusive
295 mm x 221 mm
180 Pages
96 color
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