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Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.
Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.
Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.
Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.
Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.
Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.
Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.
Book cover of My First Box of the World, Montessori: A World of Achievements, with a hot air balloon, the Statue of Liberty, a world globe, and an erupting volcano. Published by White Star.

My First Box of the World

Montessori: A World of Achievements

By (author) Chiara Piroddi
Illustrated by Agnese Baruzzi


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  • Includes: 15 Gameboards, Booklet and Poster
  • Suitable for ages: 6 plus
Full Description

15 Gameboards, Booklet and Poster. 15 boards containing cards and puzzles so that the child can carry out the suggested activities. A manual that provides explanations of the activities and offers some useful hints and also how to learn more about Montessori education and apply it in everyday life. Ages: 6 plus

White Star
27th Sep 2023
Other book format
World excluding USA & Canada; India non-exclusive; Italy non-exclusive
135 mm x 170 mm
16 Pages
Name of series
Montessori Box
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