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Book cover of Off-Grid Adventures: 20 Untamed Travel Stories Around the World, with a rider on horseback in remote mountain landscape, with dog walking beside. Published by Lannoo Publishers.

Off-Grid Adventures

20 Untamed Travel Stories Around the World

By (author) Lien De Ruyck


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  • Twenty adventurous journeys to surprising destinations, far away from all the travel clichés
  • Represents the new travel trend: authentic, respectful, and off the beaten track
Full Description

Off-Grid Adventures brings together 20 exceptional travel adventures to special and surprising places all over the world. From a visit to the Japanese art islands of Naoshima and Teshima to surfing in Korea, horseback riding in Kyrgyzstan, and hang gliding over Canadian glaciers, this book is a source of inspiration for the modern adventurer who wants to stay far away from the beaten track and go in search of authentic experiences that respect the environment and the local population. Includes beautiful and awe-inspiring images from renowned travel photographers, travel tips and guidance for the best places to go and to stay.

About the Author

Lien De Ruyck is a travel journalist and the woman behind the travel blog www.sonderling.be.

Look Inside
Lannoo Publishers
8th Dec 2022
World excluding Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland & Scandinavia
275 mm x 210 mm
256 Pages
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