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Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.
Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.
Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.
Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.
Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.
Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.
Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.
Book cover of René Wirths: ZEUG, with four photographs featuring a green straw in a glass, a bicycle wheel, and a light bulb, Published by Kerber.

René Wirths


Edited by Galerie Michael Haas
Text by Janna Oltmanns
Text by Anne Waak
Text by René Wirths
Text by Anne-Claudie Coric
Text by Numa Hambursin


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  • A phenomenological examination of the things that surround us
  • ZEUG is a hybrid between artist book and a catalogue raisonné, and provides a complete overview of René Wirths works created since 2006
Full Description

The book ZEUG is a hybrid between an artist book and a catalogue raisonné and provides a complete overview of the works created since 2006 by the Berlin-based painter René Wirths. The works are also sorted into groups based on in part formal, in part content-related, and often surprising criteria. Wirths is a painter of things whose pictures, despite their hyper realistic attention to detail, nevertheless dissolve again into colour and abstraction. The motifs depicted are thus robbed of their “authenticity” (to quote Heidegger) and become a phenomenological examination of the things that surround us. The book pursues these examinations and supplements the astounding oeuvre by positing new aspects.

Text in English, German and French.

9th Jan 2023
World excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the US & Canada
280 mm x 240 mm
296 Pages
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