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Book cover of Storyteller: Communicating, with a grey rabbit, a brown bear and a bumble bee. Published by White Star.
Book cover of Storyteller: Communicating, with a grey rabbit, a brown bear and a bumble bee. Published by White Star.
Book cover of Storyteller: Communicating, with a grey rabbit, a brown bear and a bumble bee. Published by White Star.
Book cover of Storyteller: Communicating, with a grey rabbit, a brown bear and a bumble bee. Published by White Star.

Storyteller: Communicating

By (author) Chiara Piroddi
Illustrated by Camilla Garofano


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  • Includes 32 page board book and 20 cards
Full Description

With the colourful cards of the Storyteller, children will be able to create their own adventures following the basics of the theories of Vladimir Jakovlevic Propp on fairy tales, using the available subjects (animals, objects, symbols and places): Initial balance, Rupture of the initial balance, Adventure of the hero, Restoration of balance. In this box, the developed ability is Communicating: the vocabulary grows thanks to the gaming experience, linguistic expressions and storytelling skills are driven through story sequences that the child can combine into always new adventures to read and imagine. Ages: 5 to 7

About the Author

Chiara Piroddi is a psychologist and psychotherapist, specialising in child and adolescent psychopathology. Graduating in Psychology in 2007 from the University of Pavia, she attended a Masters course in Neuropsychology in 2009, and in 2013 specialised in Cognitive Psychotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence after a four-year course at the Crocetta Clinical Center in Turin, Italy.

White Star
8th Sep 2023
Board book
World excluding USA & Canada; India non-exclusive; Italy non-exclusive
170 mm x 215 mm
32 Pages
Name of series
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