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Book cover of Veerle Helsen's Surf & Art: Contemporary Surf Artists Around the World, with a surfer on the waves, large orange sunset behind. Published by Lannoo Publishers.

Surf & Art

Contemporary Surf Artists Around the World

By (author) Veerle Helsen


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  • A curated selection of the best surf art from around the world by over 30 contemporary artists
  • Captures the unique joys of surf life in art filled with sun, sand, and sky
  • Written by Veerle Helsen, author of the bestselling travel guide Surf & Stay
Full Description

Bright sun, blue sea, churning waves, shifting sand: these and other elements of surf life are featured here in work by 30 contemporary surf artists from around the world. In addition to the text are interviews with the artists, which gives a deeper understanding and insight into the transformation of their surf experience into art. Curated and written by surfing journalist Veerle Helsen, author of the bestselling travel guide Surf & Stay, this unique collection of paintings, watercolours, graphics, and digital artworks capture the joy, beauty, and energy of this sport and lifestyle.

About the Author

Veerle Helsen is a lifestyle and architecture journalist, as well as a pioneer in surfing and camper travelling.

Lannoo Publishers
11th Jun 2024
Paperback / softback
World excluding Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland & Scandinavia
230 mm x 180 mm
256 Pages
150 color
Name of series
Art & Stay
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