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Montage of 4 photos archaeological site areas, on grey cover with The Last Hunter-Gatherer-Fishermen in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium)

The Last Hunter-Gatherer-Fishermen in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium)

The Verrebroek and Doel. Excavation Projects (Vol. 1)

By (author) Philippe Crombe


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  • The so-called 'Waasland Scheldepolders' are one of the most archaeologically promising, but unfortunately also one of the most threatened areas of northern Belgium
  • This study presents and discusses all relevant environmental and chronological data
Full Description

The so-called ‘Waasland Scheldepolders’ are one of the most archaeologically promising, but unfortunately also one of the most threatened areas of northern Belgium. In contrast to most of the Belgian territory, where the majority of prehistoric sites lie at the surface and have therefore been severely disturbed by erosion and plowing, the prehistoric heritage in this area is generally well-preserved. Since 1970, however, it has been under constant threat, in particular from Antwerp harbor, one of the largest in Europe. Large parts of the Waasland Scheldepolders are situated on the left bank of the river Schelde and are consequently in danger of disappearing due to the digging of new docks and the installation of large industrial complexes. This study presents and discusses all relevant environmental and chronological data.

About the Author
Philippe Crombe is Professor of Archeology at the Universiteit Gent.
Lannoo Publishers
1st May 2005
World excluding Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland & Scandinavia
310 mm x 220 mm
336 Pages
Name of series
Academia Press
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