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Book cover of The Story of the Tekkieh Moaven, Kermanshah, Iran, with a wall of decorative Persian tiles. Published by Arnoldsche Art Publishers.

The Story of the Tekkieh Moaven

Kermanshah, Iran

Edited by Hadi Seif
Translated by Hamid Kooros


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  • The first major English-language publication of the Tekkieh Moaven and the fascinating Persian tiles
  • A wonderful narrative insight of the ancient guardian Sojdehpur
  • Colourful illustrations presenting tiles with floral, calligraphic, and figurative motifs
Full Description

The Tekkieh Moaven is a significant religious monument in Kermanshah and one of the most important national memorials in Iran. Following the building’s destruction in the early 20th century, it was rebuilt and furnished with exclusive tiles, the focal point of this publication. Since 1975, it has also been a popular museum visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year. The tiles illustrate the fascinating world of art in the Persian empire and Islamic era and are distinguished by colourful illustrations featuring floral, calligraphic, and also figurative motifs. Author Hadi Seif weaves the recollections of the ancient guardian Sojdehpur into his narratives, contributing valuable insights into the evolutionary history of these impressive tiles. This is the first major English-language publication dedicated to this outstanding cultural monument.

Arnoldsche Art Publishers
21st Nov 2022
UK, US, Eastern Europe, France, Benelux, Japan, South Korea, Africa, South America & Ireland exclusive. South Africa, N&M East, China non-exclusive
280 mm x 220 mm
144 Pages
98 color
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