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Back into the Light – Jüdisches Museum, Germany

25 Nov — 17 Apr 2023

On November 25, 2022, the Jewish Museum Frankfurt will open an exhibition about four Frankfurt artists who are almost forgotten today.


They are among the first women to celebrate success as artists in Frankfurt: Erna Pinner, Rosy Lilienfeld, Amalie Seckbach and Ruth Cahn. In the wild 1920s, her works were recognized internationally, and her studios were visited. With their exhibitions and travels, the four cosmopolitans get to know Europe and the world. The takeover of power by the National Socialists put an end to their careers. They are persecuted as Jews, their works ostracized – and forgotten after the end of the Second World War. The exhibition “Back into the Light” is finally bringing them back to the public. The starting point of the exhibition is an article by the art historian Sascha Schwabacher from the Frankfurt Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt in May 1935. In it, she recalls her visits to the studios of the four artists and describes their personalities. The exhibition traces these four studio visits. In doing so, she makes the Frankfurt art scene of the 1920s tangible, as well as the break that National Socialist rule meant for the life and work of the four artists. The exhibition culminates in a specially created multimedia installation by Elianna Renner, which addresses the memory and commemoration of Jewish female artists of the first half of the 20th century and at the same time critically reflects on it.

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