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Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Armando Testa, with a red sphere and half of one below. Published by Silvana.

Armando Testa

Edited by Gemma De Angelis Testa
Edited by Tim Marlow
Edited by Elisabetta Barisoni


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  • Published to accompany an exhibition at Ca' Pesaro, Venice, from April to July 2024
Full Description

Ca’ Pesaro opens the new 2024 exhibition season with a major exhibition dedicated to Armando Testa (1917-1992). Already present since December 2022 in the Venetian civic collections with 17 works, the creative genius from Piedmont will be the focus of a monographic exhibition that will allow people to discover and rediscover previously unseen aspects of his production.

From his Turin beginnings at the Vigliardi Paravia Typographic School and with the teaching of Ezio D’Errico, the exhibition aims to reconstruct the artistic path of a protagonist of visual culture contemporary, creator of famous icons that have entered our collective imagination for years.

His masterpieces are the offspring of a plurality of expressive languages, experimented during his more than 30-year career, whose modernity is today a source of inspiration for contemporary artists and which has led aesthetics scholar Gillo Dorfles to call him a “global visualiser.”

Texts by Gemma Testa, Tim Marlow, Elisabetta Barisoni.

Text in English and Italian.

25th Jun 2024
UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Germany, Eastern Europe, & Austria. Arab States non-exclusive
285 mm x 245 mm
224 Pages
211 color
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