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Book cover of Design Education in Germany 2023: Contribution to Public Value. Published by Avedition.

Design Education in Germany 2023

Contribution to Public Value

Edited by iF Design Foundation
Edited by Christoph Böninger
Edited by Annette Diefenthaler
Edited by Fritz Frenkler
Edited by René Spitz


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  • Recent study on the development of design education serving the common good
  • With an overview of all design courses of study at German universities
Full Description

Today, it seems more urgent than ever to focus more attention in design on the common good. This is because we are faced with the consequences of a design methodology that is geared towards the good of individuals wherever we look. The concept of public value seems ideal as a way of focusing design education more strongly on the common good: Public value is what the public values. It provides an alternative to one-sided orientations such as the shareholder value paradigm.

The iF Design Foundation 2022 has carried out the present study in order to determine the public value of design study programs at German universities. This study provides a basis for encouraging and realising a form of design education in Germany geared towards the common good. This publication also contains a list of all design courses of study at German universities.

About the Author

The iF Design Foundation is an educational foundation based in Hanover, Germany. It is committed to the common good and focuses on academic research and education in the context of design.

Avedition Gmbh
4th Apr 2023
Paperback / softback
World excluding Benelux, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei, Maldives and the Far East (except Japan)
259 mm x 210 mm
120 Pages
50 color, 50 b&w
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