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Book cover of Shaping Changes: line+studio. Published by Images Publishing.

Shaping Changes


By (author) line+studio


Publishing 14th Oct 2024
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    • Recent works of line+ studio illustrating how architecture triggers changes in China
    Full Description

    Since the 1990s, China’s rapid urbanisation has triggered an unprecedented construction boom. If the early phase of urban construction was mainly marked by its extensiveness, the more recent requirements of a highly commerce-oriented society and the ever-changing utilisation of space in the digital age have given rise to a concern for—and a renewed recognition of—quality. In this context, Shaping Changes presents recent projects by line+, a design studio founded by two young Chinese architects Meng Fanhao and Zhu Peidong, and its pursuit of design quality through a range of projects from rural revitalisation to high-tech headquarters, from education campus to cultural facilities. The diversity and design quality of line+ works is evidenced by its participation at the Arsenale at the 2021 Venice Biennale How Will We Live Together and its recent overseas commissioned projects, which are also presented within this volume.

    Images Publishing
    Publish date
    14th Oct 2024
    Paperback / softback
    260 mm x 216 mm
    247 Pages
    300 color, 100 b&w
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